Legion Logo

We are a group of volunteers who exist to advocate for those who presently serve, or who have served, and their families, who live within the area of our jurisdiction; to keep alive the memory of the fallen; and to further the goals of the Royal Canadian Legion.

Please consider joining our Legion branch to make sure this work is able to continue (see the online Legion Membership page).

Branch members can renew their membership online here.


We're based in Duncan, towards the south of Vancouver Island off the west coast of British Columbia, Canada.

Our area of jurisdiction is those portions of the Cowichan Valley approximately bordered by Cobble Hill to the south, Westholme to the north, Maple Bay to the east, and Paldi/CP Rail summit to the west.

The sister branches nearest us are:

Guiding Principles

These documents guide our Branch in fulfilling its mandate.

Dominion Command:

General Bylaws
Poppy Manual
Rules of Procedure
Membership Manual
Rituals, Awards, &
Protocol Manual
Branch Leadership

BC/Yukon Command and Local Branch:

BC/Yukon Bylaws
Branch #53 Bylaws

November 11, 2024

At the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month – we will remember them. The Armistice, an agreement to end the fighting of the First World War as a prelude to peace negotiations, began at 11am on 11 November 1918.


Legion Parade 2024

new members

Why join the Legion?
We are Veterans, family of Veterans, and Canadians without military affiliation, coming together to support those who serve. Join us, make a difference, and access great member benefits too.
Join us using the
Legion Membership page.
Tour de rock donation
October 1st, on behalf of the Vets, caregivers, spouses and guests at the Veterans' luncheon, Comradres David (VP/Membership) and Carol-Ann (Secretary/Honours & Awards) presented the collected donations in the amount of $1165, to Tour de Rock RCMP Detachment rider Tour De Rock Warren Kongus.